Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So my Journey Begins!

Hi Everyone!
Getting here was tough! It's not easy to get to where I am, but becoming a surrogate mommy was something I decided to do over time. For some people, they can never do it, will never do it, can't understand it, but think it's wonderful or think it's the most wonderful gift one could give and would do it for someone else with out hesitation. I decided to become a surrogate after working in the maternity retail for the past 2 years. I have met many surrogates along the way and heard about their journey's and IP's. ( That is Intended Parents for those just learning about Surrogacy). Over the past several years, I have had family and friends with problems becoming pregnant or have had friends lose babies in the beginning or the end of their pregnancies. That hit a cord with me and since my husband and I were done having our babies, I felt that I could really help another family looking to extend their family. I also have this weird feeling of wanting to be pregnant again, but don't want to bring a baby home to raise. I think some can't understand that, especially those women who still want babies.
Well, of course, then it would be very different for you to be able to understand it? So, I decided to look into the process and I discovered an new world of women, men and families eager to have children, but couldn't because of medical reasons or because of same sex gender relationships. There are even single women and men looking for surrogates because they are eager to have a child and didn't find the right person to have a family with. It's so amazing and so here I am, starting my journey and sharing my experience down this road with you.

Getting here is not easy. First you have to qualify to become a surrogate, that is, if you decide to use an agency, which I have. There are alot of different roads to take, but the more horror stories I hear about scenarios about surrogates going at it on their own, the more happy I am that I contacted a reputable company to work with. So the process is one that starts with an application and a meeting. If your married, like me, your husband must be fully on board with the journey. If he's not, then they will deny you from doing it. The last thing you need is your partner stressing you out when your taking IVF drugs and doing embryo transfers, hoping to be pregnant and right around the corner is a stressful environment to be around all the time. You must pass a IVF screening making sure your uterus is normal, a drug screening and a psych evaluation. Once you do that, then your journey can sort of begin. You must be matched with a IP couple and click with that couple. That is the biggest part, because you want to make sure your both on the same page on everything from reduction to birth defects. Your dealing with science and nothing is perfect, so you hope and pray that everything goes as planned!

So with that, I am on my way and have been matched to a wonderful, amazing couple! We got to meet over dinner after emailing and talking over the phone. They were so extremely grateful for everything I was about to experience. Their story was so heartfelt and I couldn't be more happy to help them bring a healthy baby in to the world for them. There are many different reasons people need surrogates to help them bear children, so once you meet that match, it becomes more personal then ways you will ever know!

So after being cleared from all my testing and getting on a calendar planned cycle with me and my uterus, I am now starting the IVF drugs. This helps get my cycle in tune with my IP mom. She and I need to be ready for our set embryo transfer date in June, which is right around the corner!!

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